What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapists are professionals that assist children in participating in the things they need and want to do in their everyday lives. These professionals help children in all ages participate in their daily activities including play, social interaction, school, community outings, and self-care abilities.
What skills does an occupational therapist address?
We provide a comprehensive evaluation to determine your child's skills in relation to:
- Grasping skills
- Visual skills and visual motor integration
- Hand and upper body use
- Manual dexterity skills
- Muscle strength in the core and upper body
- Motor planning and coordination
- Dressing skills
- Self-care skills (brushing teeth, combing hair, etc.)
- Feeding skills (Self-Feeding and Sensory-Feeding Difficulties)
What does pediatric occupational therapy treatment entail?
We provide typical developmental treatment as outlined by evidence-based practice. Additionally, we provide specialized services including:
- Neural Developmental Treatment
- Visual Motor Program (Dextra)
- Sensory Integration
- Myofacial Release-Moor
- Integrating the Mouth
- Provision of sensory equipment (pressure vests, weighted gloves, etc.)
- Handwriting Without Tears